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Brainstorm at Virtual Broadcast Asia 2020

The company boasts an interactive cyber booth to host product presentations and attend virtual visitors Brainstorm will be present at this year’s virtual edition of Broadcast Asia (September 29th to October 1st) with a fully configured cyber stand at the show’s online portal. The stand will showcase information of the Brainstorm product range, including its[...]
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À Punt, “A la Ventura” con Brainstorm

La televisión valenciana utiliza realidad aumentada de Brainstorm para ilustrar los contenidos de su nuevo magazín “A la ventura” Brainstorm se ha erigido como una pieza fundamental en los contenidos del nuevo magazín de la cadena pública valenciana À Punt, “A la Ventura”, creando múltiples piezas en realidad aumentada para ilustrar los contenidos del programa.[...]
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Brainstorm presents a new edition of its Virtual Week

In addition to the IBC Showcase and other events replacing physical shows, Brainstorm, leading manufacturer of real-time 3D graphics and virtual studio solutions, aims to reinforce its commitment to customers, users and the market at large with Virtual Week, a series of periodic, innovative week-long and 100% online events, accessible to anyone that wants to[...]
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medArt Basel congress goes virtual with Brainstorm

Brainstorm has been key in the virtual production and live streaming of last edition of the medArt Basel medical congress in Switzerland, that was carried out by production company Nominari. medArt Basel is the largest medical congress in Switzerland. The Basel University Hospital started organising this convention, aimed at the German-speaking medical community 16 years[...]
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TD Ameritrade Market Drives go online on a virtual Town Hall

Brainstorm, leading manufacturer of real-time 3D graphics, augmented reality and virtual studio solutions, and Broadcast Management Group, a Premium Brainstorm US reseller, have made possible for TD Ameritrade Network to migrate their Market Drive physical events into the online realm by placing them on a live virtual Town Hall. TD Ameritrade provides its customers with[...]
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XR Tales launches virtual studio with InfinitySet amid confinement

Brainstorm has recently supplied, installed and calibrated a virtual production solution based on InfinitySet for XR Tales, an innovative production house based in Guadalajara, México. Thanks to the acquisition of the system and their workflow implementations and enhancements, XR Tales becomes the first virtual production studio of its kind in Mexico and position themselves among[...]
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InfinitySet 4 revolutionizes virtual production workflows

Brainstorm announces the availability of InfinitySet 4, a major upgrade to the renowned virtual studio and AR solution that includes a number of unique features designed to enhance content creation and output. In addition to a tighter integration and control of Unreal Engine, InfinitySet 4 provides advanced features like simultaneous renders, multiple outputs and additional[...]
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Brainstorm is closing the social distancing gap

Brainstorm is currently hosting a Virtual Week online with great success. With webinars focused on its products and solutions, as well as several daily virtual production demonstrations streamed live on the company’s YouTube channel three times a day, Brainstorm is virtually closing the social distancing gap that the current coronavirus global crisis has caused between[...]
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MIG produces virtual live events using InfinitySet

Brainstorm has been crucial in providing a cutting-edge virtual production system for Florida-based MIG, a company that, since 1979, has been working at the innovative intersection of creativity and technology to strategically design and create vivid experiences that inspire very specific actions in their client’s target audience. Over the past 20 years, MIG has hosted[...]
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